Maximize your networking at the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. domain conference in just 2 weeks from now – watch the latest domainer video, brought to you by Paul Goldstone and Morgan Linton. In this episode of the iGoldrush Report, we share tips for scheduling one-on-one meetings, how to prepare for, and how to make the most of your scheduled meetings and T.R.A.F.F.I.C. sponsored networking events.
If you’re headed to Vegas for TRAFFIC at the end of this month, you’ll find this month’s iGoldrush Report video particularly useful.
One of our previous videos discussed tips for getting the most bang for your buck at domain conferences. These tips included setting up your schedule, which we expand on in this latest episode — Once you arrive at the TRAFFIC conference and are setting up your meetings, how do you make the most of these 1-on-1 meetings?
Be Prepared
So often, people go into these meetings at conferences completely unprepared. The number one suggestion when setting up one-on-one meetings at conferences is to come to them prepared, with an end goal in mind.
Goal Setting –
At every single meeting that you attend, you should have an end goal in mind for that meeting.
If you want to meet someone just to say “hi” or just introduce yourself, that’s great (and you should definitely do this!), but that’s not a meeting. TRAFFIC provides lots of wonderful opportunities for causal meetings such as networking in the cabanas, parties in the evenings, a great kick off party at the beginning of the conference, and a great party at the end of the conference. By all means, we recommend that you maximize your time networking during these events.
However, if you set a meeting on someone else’s calendar and will be taking their time, you really want to make the most of that. For example, perhaps you want a special deal on parking services, or want a designer to build a website for one of your domains, or want to get SEO advice. For these types of goals, it’s best to schedule a meeting with the person or company that can help you.
While it’s good to have a general end goal for each meeting, it’s even better to make them measurable goals. This way, you can look back a few month’s down the road and measure the success of those meetings for your business.
For example, if you’re interested in getting SEO advice, your measurable goal would be to get SEO advice on how to rank on page 1 for specific terms for a specific domain. Or perhaps you want to get a particular parking company to increase your revshare for x%.
Once you have your specific goals, make sure that you know the steps that you need to take to actually realize these goals.Whatever your goals are for your meetings, make sure that they are actionable and measurable so that you can see the progress down the road. If you’re not setting real actionable goals, you’re likely not making the most of your meetings.
Anticipate Their Needs –
If you have a goal for a particular meeting, the person that you’re meeting with likely does as well. In order to be adequately prepared for these meetings, you should anticipate what the other company/person is looking to get out of this meeting as well. Ask yourself “How can I help them as well?
For example, if you’re meeting with a parking company about increasing your revshare percentage on your parked domains, you may be able to move a few more domains to their service or refer a friend to their service. If you’re looking to get SEO advice, perhaps you could give them advice on a domain or maybe you have a contact that you can introduce them to.
If you can guess what their goal is in the meeting, then you can anticipate it and try to help them to meet that goal.
Remember, it’s important to be prepared and think of this stuff before the meeting, otherwise you’re trying to come up with stuff as you go through your meeting.
Organize Your Meetings –
Nothing’s worse than missing a meeting or showing up late. Our best tip for organizing your meeting schedule is to use Excel.
In your spreadsheet, create columns for the meeting time, the name of the person that you’re meeting with, and your actionable goal pertaining to that meeting.
Timing Your Meetings
The time of your meetings is essential to achieving your goals. The goal here is to pick the time of day when you are most efficient. Some people love to meet in the morning and others prefer the afternoon.
Think about your normal schedule and pick the time of day when you feel that you’re most efficient. At the same time, make sure that the person you’re meeting with feels the same way.If you really like meeting at 8am, make sure that the person you’re meeting with does as well. If you’ve set an 8am meeting, you may want to ask if that’s really a good time for them or would they prefer later. Often times a company may not want to hurt your feelings, but would prefer a later time.
If you follow these tips, your one-on-one meetings at TRAFFIC should be a successful! Look out for Paul and Morgan… We’ll see you there!
If you’ve missed an episode of the iGoldrush Report, catch up here!
About iGoldrush Report: Paul Goldstone (iGoldrush CEO and entrepreneur) and Morgan Linton (popular blogger, domain investor, developer, entrepreneur) bring their expertise to you in an exclusive monthly video series that focuses on all topics related to domain names.
05/16/2013 at 10:29
LOL! Learning domaining tips from 2 guys who know d$$k about selling domains during the last 2 years is like walking into a soup kitchen and asking only for bread rolls.
05/16/2013 at 11:50
You’re entitled to your opinion Wonay, and thanks for taking the time to watch our video. However, we’ve bought, sold, and worked with domains on many different levels for not only 2 years, but as far back as 1996. No soup for you!
05/16/2013 at 11:36
I didn’t have any plans to go, but thank you for sharing the tips.
06/09/2013 at 20:22
Nice video. Thanks for sharing the information about the up coming event. Hope everyone that goes has fun in Las Vegas!