NameBio is a great looking, fun to use, and super handy tool to help domainer’s get a realistic idea of how much their domain names are worth, not from mere speculation, but from how much similar domain names have sold for in the past.
Similar to the real estate business, a good way to judge the value of a domain is to look at surrounding sales, and that’s exactly what lets you do.
For example, someone with a domain name relating to the real estate industry would be able to see a list of all the reported sales that contain the phrase realestate. From there, they could see that the overall average sale price for those domain names was $5,462. But makes it easy to filter searches, so further investigation could show that the average price of .com real estate domain names was $2320.
NameBio told iGoldrush that the free tool gets approximately 15,000 hits per day and has been around since late 2006.