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2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 52 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5 (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
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4 User Comments/Reviews

According to the founders of, they hadn’t originally intended to make a search site for expiring domains, at least not for the public anyway.

They initially developed the site for their own use so that they could search through dropped names quickly and easily. Because the site was developed specifically for their own domaining needs, it turned out to be an excellent tool for all domainers.

In 2002, other domainers were offered the chance to use this powerful tool and the site became a popular spot in the industry. Theyve made a lot of upgrades and enhancements since that time, many of them based on suggestions from their users, who perform tens of thousands of searches per day on the site. databases are updated every hour, and they offer some of strongest search options in the industry. But whats best about is this… its free!

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4 Responses to

  1. This site and Dan Rubin in fact are cyber squaters. They hack into peoples accounts or somehow miraculously end up with validly registered domain names and refuse to return them without upwards of 1000 dollars and sometimes even more.

    Yes he sells a lot of cheap 69 dollar names, but where he makes his real money is by cyber squating. It cost at least 2500 to start the process of forcing someone to give your domain name back. He always makes a price of less than this so you will just pay him. The problem is when you buy a 69 dollar name from him you are helping him stay in business until he finds his next big victim. The gemtleman even admits he has a knack for finding good names with a value. That is code for I know how to steal someones domain.

    We had at least 20 difirent versions of a domain name registerd for over 3 years. Somone he ended up with our .com name. We contacted him and he made it clear we were going to pay him big. We sent him proof of ownership, registration and receipts for the registration and he still insisted we pay him. At this point I am sure we will be filing suit and asking for an injunction. Yes it will cost us thousands but we refuse to be extorted from.

    • Imagine if the city took your house because you didn’t pay taxes same here jackass ,what do you think a 99 cent godaddy coupon code buys a few letters in the alphabet forever ,pay renewals or lose ,no free lunch and NO SOUP FOR YOU

  2. Any tool like justdropped, other than justdropped?

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