NamePros is a popular and active domain forum with over 100,000 registered users. The conversations on this site move at a VERY fast pace, so it will require a bit of time just to keep up.
Users have significantly different expertise levels, and it sometimes feels that expert posts are often lost in the landslide of questions and advice from novices. This makes it difficult to discern between the good advice and not so good advice but well worth participation.
When it comes to finding fast facts (ones that cant be skewed by opinions) and keeping up with news, this forum is top-notch. The forum also has fairly active buying and selling sections for users to negotiate their next domain name transaction.
10/17/2010 at 14:40
Nice one 🙂
02/05/2017 at 10:28
Namepros mods and/or Eric Lyon appear to be going down the same road as did Adam Dicker’s That is, arbitrarily censor/delete truthful, fact-filled posts if they shine a negative light on the purveyor(s) of the site or “friends.”
Sales there? Well,it depends. When .mobi was hot for 10 minutes so many years ago it was easy to sell a to domainers and resellers there for $XXX. But generally expect little action, especially now when the new crop of awful gTLD’s emptied the wallets of speculators, with seemingly little chance of recouping those investments.
Lots of trolling for traffic there, especially from the likes of Ron Jackson and, which seems to me to be little more than a shill for some of the nefarious individuals and entities in the biz. You know Ron Jackson, right? His self-proclaimed “Domain Industry News Magazine” had its head in the sand during the Adam Dicker scandal last year, proving his self-proclamation to be little more than, well, a self-proclamation. I guess you have to stick your head in the sand about the Adam Dicker issue after you’re mug is all over YouTube with Dicker’s mug glad-handing one another and kissing each others’ asses.
But I digress. Namepros seems to be headed down the road, in my humble opinion.
08/10/2017 at 13:05
While members’ personal views and opinions are welcomed with open arms at NamePros, we do have strict rules against antagonistic and abusive posts. NamePros moderators generally do not interfere in any discussions unless comments have violated the rules, which often requires removal or moving to a relevant thread.
At NamePros, we have high expectations for respect and constructive commentary, and we do not tolerate blatant threats or personal attacks on our platform.
Members that express themselves professionally and follow the rules have never had an issue with any content being removed. Heated debate is allowed, but once a member crosses over the threshold into abusive behaviour, we are forced to get more involved once it’s brought to our attention.
We always encourage members to speak their minds but we ask that they use tact when doing so, in order to avoid violating any rules.
Sometimes, when topics get heated, it’s best for the members involved to step away for a little while to give them time to cool down, process the situation rationally, and then come back with a level head, so they don’t accidentally fly off the handle out of anger and break any rules.
NamePros is an open community that provides immense value to its members and the domain industry. We work hard to listen and consider all feedback that we receive and improve every day. We hope you will join us and flourish within the world’s largest community of professional domainers at NamePros. See you there!
11/25/2017 at 04:02
NamePros is an awesome idea and great fast paced forum. It’s a great place to sell domain names that you don’t want anymore. It looks like there are investors on there. So you’re not going to get top dollar for your domain names.
It is very fast paced which means you will sell domains pretty quickly. But, one thing you didn’t mention is you can also sell websites there, too. It’s all for free; no commissions or anything.
Also, NamePros is a great place to get more exposure to your Flippa auctions.
03/31/2020 at 21:36
I’ve snagged a few dozen great deals here over the years. There’s always some news or hot tips if you read enough. Keep diggin and you’ll find diamonds!
06/02/2020 at 21:59
Its on my list of weekly sites to visit 🙂 I am always learning something new! Big thanks to the domain community.