DNJournal (Domain Name Journal), founded in January 2003, is one of the most popular news sources in the domain world. The website is maintained by Ron Jackson, a well liked and extremely talented reporter, who writes the majority of the articles. The journal keeps a fresh tab on the industry and helps thousands of domainers stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the domain world. Guest writers also make occasional appearances, giving the journal different insights into various domain topics.
DNJournal is broken down into different sections, each updated at different times. “The Lowdown”, filled with the latest buzz in the industry, is updated daily. The “Domain Sales Report”, which charts recent domain sales, is updated weekly, and the “Cover Story” is updated monthly. In addition to the main sections, other feature stories, domain insider interviews, and news updates are published as they develop.
The Domain Sales Report, in particular, has become a very popular resource for domainers. Although there are many domain sales that never become public, many domainers use DNJournal’s Domain Sales Report to gauge the condition of the domain name aftermarket and the domaining industry in general.
DNJournal’s Jackson also attends most domainer conferences and does a great job of reporting what transpired, along with photos for anyone who cannot make it.