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The company that proposed the .xxx TLD has been trying to dig up embarrassing government documents after the Bush administration intervened and the TLD was rejected. However, a federal judged “granted summary judgment to the Bush administration in the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by ICM Registry.”…
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The White House is opposing the creation of the new .xxx domain extension over “concerns about a virtual red-light district reserved exclusively for Internet pornography.” The Commerce Department has asked for the TLD contract to be placed on hold after they received nearly 6,000 letters and email complaints that expressed …
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The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) openly attacked the proposals of Network Solutions and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) as yet another way to give control of the domain name system to a closed, exclusive group. The EFF also pointed out that the articles submitted by the two entities do …
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The Clinton administration has finally released their final revision on the plans to unleash competition in the domain name system. The most notable changes from their original release is that the proposal for five new top-level domains (TLDs) will be decided on by a 15 member board (of a non-profit …
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Formally expressed in a letter from Australia’s Prime Minister John Howard, the country still is dissatisfied by the Clinton Administration’s handling of the privatization of the domain name system, as they feel it gives too much control to US interests.…
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After receiving criticism from the European Commission for the new plans to expand the domain name service, the Clinton Administration tried to calm European concerns. The complaint alleged against the US was that keeping the domain name service in America would give the US unfair control. Ira Magaziner, who oversaw …
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Jim Salmon, in an effort to bring negative publicity to the porn site, redirected his celebrity star site names, like, to the site, hoping to raise public awareness. Salmon got criticism from all ends – users, celebrities, and from owner, Dan Parisi.…
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In a reply to the Clinton Administration’s ‘green papers’, the plan to privatize and expand the domain name industry, European Commission criticizes the plan because it would grant the US too much control over the new system.…
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One of the leading Domain Registrar applicants, Epoch, has taken orders from more than 3,000 customers for domain names that might not even exist. The firm began pre-selling names based on the seven new TLDs (top-level domains) proposed by the Council of Registrars (CORE). However, the White House recently released …
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The owner of, Dan Parisi, got a letter from the White House warning him to remove the site, which uses the president and the first lady to promote his parody porn site. The White House warns that using the president in marketing campaigns is illegal.…
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Several European companies who have spent much time and money on creating a new domain name system couldn’t hide their frustration over the Clinton Administration’s new plan to privatize the Registry. The Council of Registrars (CORE) had proposed a new plan last year that would make seven new TLDs (top-level …
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Congress set aside $23 million dollars to be spent through the NSF (National Science Foundation) on the White House’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative. The plan is to increase the speed and usability of online applications. The funds congress set aside come from the $34.2 million fund from Network Solutions …
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Pictures of Hilary Clinton leading her husband around by a spiked collar where not what unsuspecting visitors expected to see when they visited That’s exactly what Dan Parisi posted, though, along with links to dozens of adult websites. White House officials are not amused and are currently reviewing possible …
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The debate over who owns information online is vague with a struggle between copyright holders and the public’s rights to “fair use” of materials. The Clinton administration announced that both need to be balanced and that “fair use” needs to be preserved.…
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As the end of NSF’s (National Science Foundation) role as the governing force in the internet naming system grows near, the arguments between several committees and task forces heat up, causing the White House to step in and play referee. The administration will hear arguments for 45 days, after which, …
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The White House announced that it will send out a request for comments on how the domain name system should be handled in the future. The National Science Foundation will no longer administrate domain names next March, when, at the same time, it stops funding InterNIC, which Network Solutions operates. …
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The proposal that had been gaining momentum has come to an abrupt halt as the Internet Society plans for alternatives to the two features that the White House had criticized last week. Namely, the restriction to the number of registrars and the ‘lottery’ idea for domain names with more than …
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