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ICANN’s board of directors plan to meet to begin discussing 44 applications for new TLDs, including .kids, .biz, and .sex. The potential for new TLDs has been hampered by trademark infringement lawsuits from companies claiming to own the rights to the potential TLDS.…
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A judge ruled that Economic Solutions, a company who owns .bz, does not have the rights to the .biz TLD in a trademark infringement dispute. The company was seeking to ban ICANN from approving the new TLD.…
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While generic domain names have been all the rage in online business, many e-businesses show that a catchy, generic domain does not automatically translate into success for the business. The issue has recently gotten more exposure as ICANN approves several new generic TLDs, making more options available for companies.…
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The big question on everyone’s mind is whether or not ICANN will expand the top-level domain base. ICANN spokesperson says it will eventually, but has other issues to resolve first. Other questions include, “will anyone with an email address be allowed to vote on certain issues?” and “what will they …
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The Clinton administration has finally released their final revision on the plans to unleash competition in the domain name system. The most notable changes from their original release is that the proposal for five new top-level domains (TLDs) will be decided on by a 15 member board (of a non-profit …
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One of the leading Domain Registrar applicants, Epoch, has taken orders from more than 3,000 customers for domain names that might not even exist. The firm began pre-selling names based on the seven new TLDs (top-level domains) proposed by the Council of Registrars (CORE). However, the White House recently released …
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Several European companies who have spent much time and money on creating a new domain name system couldn’t hide their frustration over the Clinton Administration’s new plan to privatize the Registry. The Council of Registrars (CORE) had proposed a new plan last year that would make seven new TLDs (top-level …
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As the Interim Policy Oversight Committee roles forward with its plan to introduce seven new TLDs (top-level domains) to the registration system, it has collected money from 88 companies applying for registration rights in the new system. Many of those companies have started taking pre-registration orders from people who want …
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In the alternative-domain-name-battle, Network Solutions tried to convince a Federal Judge to grant a restraining order against Eugene Kashpureff, founder of the radical AlterNIC service, who had recently launched hack attacks against InterNIC’s name server system. The Judge told Network Solutions that it was clear that damage had been done, …
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Eugene Kashpureff, founder of Alternic, a service that operates alternative TLDs, recently claimed to have written a hack that would push his alternative TLDs to 90% of website users. These alternative TLDs have never been popular because of limited DNS resolution on the Internet. Kashpureff’s hack is a DNS exploit, …
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The International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) today signed an International Memorandum of Understanding, ending their meeting in Geneva. The new memorandum discusses the committee’s plans to expand the domain industry with seven new top-level domain names (TLDs). Both the US Government and the European Union came out against the memorandum.…
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A large group of internet service providers (ISPs) have come out against the International Ad Hoc Committee’s (IAHC) plan to create 7 new top-level domains. The group was scheduled to sign the IAHC Memorandum of Understanding, but has since withdrawn their support.…
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The International Ad Hoc Committee’s plans to create up to 7 new top-level domains and up to 28 additional registries to assign these names have come under fire by many sources. Network Solutions has joined in voicing their disapproval and questioning of their authority, which is of great concern to …
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The IAHC announced today that it was moving forward to allow 28 new domain Registries to begin selling new domain TLD extensions domain names, breaking Network Solutions hold as sole registry.…
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The International Ad Hoc Committee announced that they will move forward with their Memorandum of Understanding, which lays out their plans for expanding the domain industry with seven new top-level domains and 28 new independent domain registries to assign the names.…
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The International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) today announced plans for seven new top-level domain extensions, including “.store”, “.arts”, “.info”, “.firm”, and “.web”. The plan would alleviate over-crowding in the domain market, particularly with the rush to register “.com’s”…
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An international committee today called for the creation of at least 7 new additional top-level domains in order to alleviate over-crowding of the popular .com domain extension. Additional committees appointed by IANA are also looking into the creation of new top-level domains.…
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Disputes erupting over the creation of new top-level domains (TLDs) are turning the whole debate into a stalemate. In an effort to get the issue solved, the Internet Society has appointed 11 people to a new committee, the Internet International Ad Hoc Committee, whose sole mission is to resolve the …
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The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) announced today that they plan to modify their recently announced plan to create new top-level domains (TLDs) as a way to alleviate over-crowding of .com domain registrations.…
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A new proposal by InterNIC calls for up to 50 new TLDs (e.g. .inc) to be created. The proposal comes on the heels of announcements by alternative companies that they will sell alternative TLDs such as .biz. While alternative companies are selling additional TLDs, InterNIC controls the most popular, .com …
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Owners of AlterNIC and Macro Computer Systems, two companies currently selling alternative domain name registrations, such as .biz, are up in arms over the new proposal by InterNIC and IANA to create up to 50 new TLDs. According to Karl Denniger of Macro Computer Systems, “They are basically squatting on …
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Frustrated with Network Solutions hold on the .com, .net, and .org domains, two companies (Macro Computer Systems and Alternic) have begun creating a series of new TLDs (top-level domain names) and are selling them directly to users. Only those sold through Network Solutions are officially recognized by InterNIC and the …
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