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Many third world countries are complaining about the apparent U.S. control over the Internet, despite the U.S. Government’s limited control. The real power lies with the 13 organizations that operate each of the 13 main root servers. While some of these are located within the U.S., but they are not …
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In a move to strengthen the domain name system (DNS), the Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) and the Internet Software Consortium (ISC) have reached an agreement to put several root servers throughout the Asia Pacific region. The new root servers will handle increased traffic and will also provide additional …
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The recent massive denial-of-service attack on the root servers of the domain name system exposed vulnerabilities to the Internet’s core addressing system. The DNS servers are essential to the Internet as they convert domain names to their numerical IP addresses. While the attack only resulted in moderate damage, it exposes …
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After recent denial-of-service attacks, ICANN formed a new security committee to figure out how to improve the DNS system security. The chair of the new committee is Internet pioneer Stephen Crocker (he helped develop the original backbone network that was the start of the Internet), who reports that the recent …
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Though ICANN claims the recent denial-of-service attack had little effect on the domain name system, things could have been significantly worse. As it stands, it’s reported that more than half of the Internet’s root-level servers were affected by the attack. Reports show that ICANN is ill-prepared for future attacks that …
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A denial-of-service attack on 13 domain name service root servers caused chaos, but had little effect on the domain name system itself. While the attack continued over a couple of days, the 13 servers under attack are used only as a last resort for domain address searches. The Internet Software …
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