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Registrars respond to VeriSign’s charges of Domain Slamming, the process of getting domain owner’s to switch from one Registrar to another without the customer knowing. ISPs and Domain Registrars alike are lobbying ICANN to put an end to VeriSign’s anti-slamming rules, which many charge that they abuse, leaving customers in …
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One of the leading Domain Registrar applicants, Epoch, has taken orders from more than 3,000 customers for domain names that might not even exist. The firm began pre-selling names based on the seven new TLDs (top-level domains) proposed by the Council of Registrars (CORE). However, the White House recently released …
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A large group of internet service providers (ISPs) have come out against the International Ad Hoc Committee’s (IAHC) plan to create 7 new top-level domains. The group was scheduled to sign the IAHC Memorandum of Understanding, but has since withdrawn their support.…
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A group calling themselves the ‘Enhanced Domain Naming Service Consortium’ (eDNS) proposes to supersede the established domain name system run by Network Solutions. Their plans hinge on sympathetic ISP’s who would agree to point their servers towards eDNS’s data servers instead of the government controlled root-servers.…
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