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WebTechs, created in 1994 and one of the very first HTML validation services lost its domain name, to a Danish pornography site. Webtechs has filed complaints with Network Solutions, who still holds the monopoly on domain name registration, and with InterNIC, the domain name system used by Network Solutions. …
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The Australian government charged Peter Zmijewski with fraud for setting up the site and collecting registration fees from people who had thought they were dealing with the legitimate registration service ZMijewski collected up to $3 million in his scam.…
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Eugene Kashpureff, known for redirecting InterNIC site visitors to his own site, AlterNIC, plead guilty to charges of wire and computer fraud. He will face a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.…
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Eugene Kashpureff said ‘forget it’ to the Canadian system when he was granted the right to oppose his extradition. Instead, he should be in the hands of the FBI by Friday. Once back in the US, Kashpureff will face wire and computer fraud charges after hijacking the site visitors of …
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Eugene Kashpureff’s hearing for extradition from Canada to FBI officials was delayed to December 12th. Kashpureff is wanted by the FBI for hijacking the site visitors of InterNIC (Network Solution’s domain name system) to his own domain name system, AlterNIC. The internet visitors were shown a brief message of protest, …
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Eugene Kashpureff has bounced around the Canadian Court system since Halloween, but the ironic part of his plight is that the country wants to get rid of him. Kashpureff has been pushed back and forth between the immigration officials who want to deport him and the court system trying to …
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After spending a few minutes in front of the judge today’s, the only thing Kashpureff knows for sure is that he won’t be going home any time soon. He was to be sent back to his cell to wait for deportation to the US, where the FBI waits to charge …
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The Federal government has filed charges of wire and computer fraud against Eugene Kashpureff for hijacking InterNIC visitors and sending them to his own site, AlterNIC. The internet users, once at Kashpureff’s site, were shown his protest propaganda, with a ‘click here to go back to InterNIC’s site’ button. The …
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The FBI finally caught up with Eugene Kashpureff and arrested him in Toronto today for hijacking InterNIC’s site address and sending browsers to his own site, AlterNIC, instead. Network Solutions (InterNIC’s ‘owner’) recently filed civil charges against Kashpureff, but dropped them and settled out of court when he publicly apologized.…
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The iPOC (Interim Policy Oversight Committee) will begin taking bids from companies for the new database, which will replace the InterNIC. The iPOC hopes to have a proposal ready for public comment sometime in the next two weeks.…
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An Australian domain name broker ( sold domain registrations to people who had thought they were registering with the official InterNIC registry, administered by Network Solutions and located at…
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After Eugene Kashpureff’s hack on InterNIC (Network Solution’s name server system), the company sent out a patch that would help solve the open vulnerabilities in systems and keep such hacks from happening again. Network Solutions shows disappointment that most administrators have not installed the patch.…
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Kashpureff, the founder of AlterNIC and the one who launched a hack attack on Network Solutions InterNIC name server system, publicly apologized for his action and vowed he’d ‘never do it again.‘ Kashpureff also claims he will not give up the fight to keep companies like Network Solutions from owning …
Continue Reading... had been shut down on orders from NASA officials to InterNIC.’s complaints did nothing to get the site back online again, but a call to AlterNIC did produce a hack that would temporarily put the site back online to about 80% of users.…
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After ‘hijacking’ the InterNIC database for two weeks, Eugene Kaspureff, founder of the radical AlterNIC service, finally shut down his DNS hack when he was named in a civil lawsuit from Network Solutions.…
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Some users were confused by the domain reseller recently when they thought they were registering domains with the official InterNIC, located at Trouble arose when began taking the orders and pocketing the fees.…
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The White House announced that it will send out a request for comments on how the domain name system should be handled in the future. The National Science Foundation will no longer administrate domain names next March, when, at the same time, it stops funding InterNIC, which Network Solutions operates. …
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The sites borrowing traffic from the government site by using domain names like and have been disconnected from the DNS registry by InterNIC. (the owner of these sites) plans to pursue the matter in court.…
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Today, Network Solutions announced that they had registered 1 million domain names, 88% of which were .com domains. But, according to InterNIC’s records, Network Solutions has collected only about half the fees for these domain names. Competing registry companies see this as fuel as they continue their campaign to end …
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InterNIC announced today that domain owner’s can now pay their fees online in addition to the standard check and money order payments the company already accepts. In a partnership with First Virtual, users can setup a First Virtual account and receive a personal identification number that connects to a credit …
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Procter & Gamble, who owns more than 100 domains related to its brands, unveiled a new site dedicated to their pampers brand at This is the first from P&G, the company who registered the majority of their names for free before InterNIC began charging for registrations.…
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A new proposal by InterNIC calls for up to 50 new TLDs (e.g. .inc) to be created. The proposal comes on the heels of announcements by alternative companies that they will sell alternative TLDs such as .biz. While alternative companies are selling additional TLDs, InterNIC controls the most popular, .com …
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Owners of AlterNIC and Macro Computer Systems, two companies currently selling alternative domain name registrations, such as .biz, are up in arms over the new proposal by InterNIC and IANA to create up to 50 new TLDs. According to Karl Denniger of Macro Computer Systems, “They are basically squatting on …
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As more and more domain names being registered through Network Solutions, who operates InterNIC, more and more domain disputes are popping up. Because of the increase in domain disputes, Network Solutions has re-defined it’s dispute policy, which states that domains are sold on a first-come, first-sold basis and that user’s …
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Frustrated with Network Solutions hold on the .com, .net, and .org domains, two companies (Macro Computer Systems and Alternic) have begun creating a series of new TLDs (top-level domain names) and are selling them directly to users. Only those sold through Network Solutions are officially recognized by InterNIC and the …
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