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As the Interim Policy Oversight Committee roles forward with its plan to introduce seven new TLDs (top-level domains) to the registration system, it has collected money from 88 companies applying for registration rights in the new system. Many of those companies have started taking pre-registration orders from people who want …
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The internet Policy Oversight Committee (iPOC) published plans this Friday showing their intention of ridding the online world of cybersquatters (companies or individuals registering domain names that resemble popular trademarks and trying to resell them to the trademark holder for higher prices).…
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The iPOC (Interim Policy Oversight Committee) will begin taking bids from companies for the new database, which will replace the InterNIC. The iPOC hopes to have a proposal ready for public comment sometime in the next two weeks.…
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The interim Policy Oversight Committee (iPOC), formerly the IAHC, is now taking for applications from possible domain name registrars. iPOC’s authority to establish registrars is unclear.…
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