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The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) released a report on the redelegation of the .jp ccTLD. IANA came to the conclusion that the appropriate delegate of the .jp ccTLD is the Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd. (JPRS) under oversight of the Japanese Government and JPNIC.…
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The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) openly attacked the proposals of Network Solutions and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) as yet another way to give control of the domain name system to a closed, exclusive group. The EFF also pointed out that the articles submitted by the two entities do …
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The IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and Network Solutions have agreed to a number of bylaws and articles that would introduce competition into the domain name system and incorporate the entities.…
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The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) ran tests last week to see if their new domain name system could handle the flow of online traffic. In the test, they re-routed the internet domain system from Network Solutions to IANA. Jon Postel, in charge of IANA, received criticism from several authorities, …
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The Clinton administration has finally made public the long awaited report on how they would privatize and expand the domain name system. The report stated that the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) would continue to control IP addresses, root-server, and addressing protocols as a new non-profit organization. IANA staff would …
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PGPMedia has filed suit against Network Solutions, alleging that the company has violated antitrust laws. PGPMedia states that NSI conspired with other groups, including the International Ad hoc Committed (IAHC), the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), the Internet Society, and other unnamed people in order to keep it’s monopoly in …
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Image Online Design, an upstart domain registry, filed a lawsuit to stop the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) from creating seven new top-level domains. Image Online Design states that IANA originally agreed to award the .web registry to their company, but later rescinded. The suit asks the court to award …
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As the IAHC tries to add seven new TLDs to the online world, web designer and domain owner Chris Ambler claims ownership of one of the proposed TLDs, the .web domain. Ambler purchased the .web domain through AlterNic, a self-proclaimed registry hoping to overpass IAHC’s standards, and claims that IANA …
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An international committee today called for the creation of at least 7 new additional top-level domains in order to alleviate over-crowding of the popular .com domain extension. Additional committees appointed by IANA are also looking into the creation of new top-level domains.…
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The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) announced today that they plan to modify their recently announced plan to create new top-level domains (TLDs) as a way to alleviate over-crowding of .com domain registrations.…
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Owners of AlterNIC and Macro Computer Systems, two companies currently selling alternative domain name registrations, such as .biz, are up in arms over the new proposal by InterNIC and IANA to create up to 50 new TLDs. According to Karl Denniger of Macro Computer Systems, “They are basically squatting on …
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Frustrated with Network Solutions hold on the .com, .net, and .org domains, two companies (Macro Computer Systems and Alternic) have begun creating a series of new TLDs (top-level domain names) and are selling them directly to users. Only those sold through Network Solutions are officially recognized by InterNIC and the …
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