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Representative Charles Pickering (Mississippi), chairman of the House Science subcommittee on Basic Research, announced that they wouldn’t back a plan that sets the domain registration headquarters outside the US. “American taxpayers, companies, and government built the internet” said Pickering. The idea to move the registration registry to Geneva was part …
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The interim Policy Oversight Committee (iPOC), formerly the IAHC, is now taking for applications from possible domain name registrars. iPOC’s authority to establish registrars is unclear.…
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The Key domain planners looking into options on how to run the domain name system in the future are dismissing criticism that their plans to expand the Internet with new top-level domains is simply a “power grab”. The Association for Interactive Media (AIM), an industry group, is fighting the plan …
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Image Online Design has dropped their domain name case against the International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) charging that the committee had agreed to exclusively award them the .web registry.…
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The proposal that had been gaining momentum has come to an abrupt halt as the Internet Society plans for alternatives to the two features that the White House had criticized last week. Namely, the restriction to the number of registrars and the ‘lottery’ idea for domain names with more than …
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PSINet, one of the proposal providers for the plans to expand the domain name registry industry, says that IAHC’s proposal is gaining too much momentum too fast. William Schrader claims that “they seem to be in a rush to get their proposal approved by a random number of people, and …
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The US Government has rejected a plan to expand and privatize the domain name industry put together by the appointed International Ad Hoc Committee. The group aims to create more competition in the industry, which is currently controlled by a Network Solutions monopoly, assisted by the US government. It is …
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The International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) today signed an International Memorandum of Understanding, ending their meeting in Geneva. The new memorandum discusses the committee’s plans to expand the domain industry with seven new top-level domain names (TLDs). Both the US Government and the European Union came out against the memorandum.…
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Even though the US State Department hasn’t issued an official warning, Madeline Albright mentioned that the US was concerned about ITU (International Telecommunications Union) meeting with the IAHC on matters of domain name reform. She implies that ITU has no right to enter an agreement without consulting the organization’s ruling …
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A large group of internet service providers (ISPs) have come out against the International Ad Hoc Committee’s (IAHC) plan to create 7 new top-level domains. The group was scheduled to sign the IAHC Memorandum of Understanding, but has since withdrawn their support.…
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The NSF will end its long ridiculed involvement in domain name registration as the closing of Network Solution’s role as sole registry draws near. The IAHC endorsed the plans stating that the announcement was NSF’s way of stating that the IAHC should handle domain names.…
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Earlier this week, Network Solutions submitted their own proposal plan to privatize and expand the domain registration industry. Their plan was called “self serving” by Don Heath, Chairman of IAHC, in an email response yesterday that also stated the plan would create “absolute chaos” in domain registration.…
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The International Ad Hoc Committee’s plans to create up to 7 new top-level domains and up to 28 additional registries to assign these names have come under fire by many sources. Network Solutions has joined in voicing their disapproval and questioning of their authority, which is of great concern to …
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The IAHC announced today that it was moving forward to allow 28 new domain Registries to begin selling new domain TLD extensions domain names, breaking Network Solutions hold as sole registry.…
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The International Ad Hoc Committee announced that they will move forward with their Memorandum of Understanding, which lays out their plans for expanding the domain industry with seven new top-level domains and 28 new independent domain registries to assign the names.…
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PGPMedia has filed suit against Network Solutions, alleging that the company has violated antitrust laws. PGPMedia states that NSI conspired with other groups, including the International Ad hoc Committed (IAHC), the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), the Internet Society, and other unnamed people in order to keep it’s monopoly in …
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Meta Title: iGoldrush – News Archive – Network Solutions Readying for Competition
Meta Description: Network solutions readying for competition as they lose their monopoly on domain name registration.
Meta Keywords: network solutions, monopoly, domain name, domain name registration
The monopoly on domain registration (held by Network Solutions because of the …
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As the IAHC tries to add seven new TLDs to the online world, web designer and domain owner Chris Ambler claims ownership of one of the proposed TLDs, the .web domain. Ambler purchased the .web domain through AlterNic, a self-proclaimed registry hoping to overpass IAHC’s standards, and claims that IANA …
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The International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) today announced plans for seven new top-level domain extensions, including “.store”, “.arts”, “.info”, “.firm”, and “.web”. The plan would alleviate over-crowding in the domain market, particularly with the rush to register “.com’s”…
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The line between domain names and trademark infringement has blurred as the Internet grows. In a recent case, Toys ‘R’ Us filed a suit against an adult website, Adults ‘R’ Us, claiming that it tarnished their wholesome image. The site was ordered to shut down by a judge. With the …
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Disputes erupting over the creation of new top-level domains (TLDs) are turning the whole debate into a stalemate. In an effort to get the issue solved, the Internet Society has appointed 11 people to a new committee, the Internet International Ad Hoc Committee, whose sole mission is to resolve the …
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