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The White House announced that it will send out a request for comments on how the domain name system should be handled in the future. The National Science Foundation will no longer administrate domain names next March, when, at the same time, it stops funding InterNIC, which Network Solutions operates. …
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The Key domain planners looking into options on how to run the domain name system in the future are dismissing criticism that their plans to expand the Internet with new top-level domains is simply a “power grab”. The Association for Interactive Media (AIM), an industry group, is fighting the plan …
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The proposal that had been gaining momentum has come to an abrupt halt as the Internet Society plans for alternatives to the two features that the White House had criticized last week. Namely, the restriction to the number of registrars and the ‘lottery’ idea for domain names with more than …
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A group calling themselves the ‘Enhanced Domain Naming Service Consortium’ (eDNS) proposes to supersede the established domain name system run by Network Solutions. Their plans hinge on sympathetic ISP’s who would agree to point their servers towards eDNS’s data servers instead of the government controlled root-servers.…
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