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AOL announced that they would give a free .com domain name to anyone who asks for one. The catch is that you don’t actually own the domain. Instead, AOL retains ownership of the domain and you have the right to use it to create a website and email address. The …
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Microsoft is pushing the RealNames service to form a standard in the keyword game started by America Online. The RealNames software substitutes complicated urls with easy-to-remember keywords, but leaves the decision of which url to replace with which keyword open to the portal (which will likely side with the highest …
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Netcom claims it had to block incoming email from Hotmail, a free email service, due to significant spam from a Hotmail email address. The majority of the spam was head to various AOL email addresses, but AOL rejected the messages as spam, causing them to pile up on Netcom’s servers, …
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In a suit that both sides are calling victory, AOL members can now block spam messages from Cyber Promotions; however Cyber Promotions can continue sending junk email to those AOL members that have not blocked them.…
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