Web Hosts
A web host is a company hired to store files and data for their clients and to serve that data to visitors on the World Wide Web via high speed Internet connections.…
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Web Server
A web server is a computer connected to the Internet that distributes web sites and files. All web sites are hosted on web servers, usually managed by web hosting companies. When you access a web site or file on the Internet, you connect to a web server, which then delivers …
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Web Site Redirect
A web site redirect or URL forward is the term used when visitors are routed from one web site to another. There are multiple methods for redirecting a web site, via the web server itself, or using simple code on the web page. Some web site redirects are seamless without …
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Web Site Statistics Programs
Web site statistics programs read and organize the server web logs in order to display web site traffic within any given timeframe. Statistics programs can range in complexity, from a simple overview of how many visitors a web site received in one month, to the location of each visitor, how …
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Web Traffic
Web traffic refers to the amount of activity that a web site or web page receives or delivers within a specific timeframe. Web Traffic is measured to determine the popularity of a web page or web site by calculating unique visits, visits, page views, impressions and other related statistics. This …
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Whois Privacy
Whois privacy is a service offered by many registrars, which replaces your personal contact information in your public domain name whois record with proxy contact information that is managed by the registrar. It allows you to keep your contact information private, while still being accessible anonymously.…
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Whois Record
The whois record is a public record indicating who owns and manages a domain name. Along with the domain owner’s contact information, the whois record also tells you the registrar where the domain name is registered and the domain’s expiration date. Many registrars now offer a whois privacy service, which …
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Whois Server
A whois server is a server that responds to whois queries, or whois record searches. A whois server is most commonly maintained by a registrar or registry and delivers the public record assigned to every domain name containing information on who owns and manages any particular domain name.…
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WWW (World Wide Web)
The World Wide Web is a network of interlinked web sites, files, and documents accessed via the Internet with a web browser and navigated with hyperlinks. It’s interesting to note, that the abbreviation WWW actually has more syllables when pronouncing it than the full term World Wide Web. Well, I …
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WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
WYSIWYG is the acronym for What You See is What You Get, and pronounced “Wizeewig”. WYSIWYG refers to a user interface that enables the user to edit a document and see what their final content will look like while they work. In the domain and hosting world, a great example …
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