What is an RSS Feed?
RSS, often called a ‘feed’ or ‘news feed’, stands for Really Simple Syndication and is a safe and easy way for you to access a website’s content. With RSS, the content is delivered directly to you rather than you having to seek out the content.
RSS feeds save you time. First, you no longer have to visit your favorite websites looking for new updates as the updates are now delivered to you. Second, RSS feeds contain only links and brief synopses, downloading faster and allowing you to browse and select what you’d like to view further.
How to Use an RSS Feed
In order to take advantage of RSS feeds, you need an RSS feed reader. There are many varieties of feed readers out there, but we recommend joining a free web-based feed service such as Google Reader, MyYahoo or Bloglines. Once you’ve signed up, simply click the rss symbol to subscribe to feeds in your new feed reader! After you’ve subscribed, you will begin to see new updates for each feed, keeping you up-to-date on all of your favorite websites.
Subscribe to iGoldrush
To subscribe to the iGoldrush feed, please click one of the following icons: