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iGoldRush Blog   February 2012

Google Ends Adsense for Domains Program

February 22, 2012 in News

Google has announced that they are phasing out the AdSense for Domains program, a domain parking service introduced in 2008. This is not surprising after last years changes to the program and the announcement that Google was essentially going to begin removing parked pages from their search index:

“New ‘parked domain’ classifier: This is a new algorithm for automatically detecting parked domains. Parked domains are placeholder sites that are seldom useful and often filled with ads. They typically don’t have valuable content for our users, so in most cases we prefer not to show them.”

The AdSense for Domains program, which many parking companies had utilized, will be phased out in three steps:

  • March 21 – You will no longer be able to add new domains to your AdSense for Domains account.
  • April 18 – Your Domains will become inactive and will no longer earn AdSense revenue
  • June 27 – Your Domains will no longer be part of AdSense accounts

Google is recommending that all AdSense for Domains customers more their domains to a domain parking company. The search giant is also emailing a link to their migration guide to help publishers in the transition.

What do you think of Google’s latest announcement?

2 Responses to Google Ends Adsense for Domains Program

  1. This does not come as a surprise to me as Google is working to deliver better content.

    GoDaddy is out for a number of reasons. The most important of which is they charge for domain parking where as other companies do not.

    Currently I am looking at what Sedo has to offer.

    Building a mini-site that caters to the topic of the URL may be a better alternative depending on your needs. I worry that Google may penalize a domain by deliberately giving it a low ranking or excluding it if they see it is parked and loaded with ads.

    • Thanks for the comment, Gary!

      After Google announced last year that parked pages would begin to be removed form the search results, it really doesn’t come as much of a surprise that they’re doing away with their own parked program. I have to agree with your thoughts on mini-sites. While parking is a good option, especially for those domains that get type-in traffic, mini-sites or even full branded sites are really becoming the trend. If you haven’t already, check our out iGoldrush Report video series focusing on developing your domains into brands:

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