.com is the Top-Level Domain (TLD) under which the domain name igoldrush.com is registered. You’ll find lots of different top-level domains out there, from the most recognizable (.com) to industry-specific (.mobi), and even country-specific top domains such as United Kingdom (.uk), Germany (.de – derived from Deutschland) and Italy (.it). Every domain name is registered under a TLD of some kind, and the following section describes those TLDs in more detail.
For more information about specific TLD’s, check out our TLD guide or our list of Domain Registries.
TLDs are also sometimes referred to as domain extensions. So, if someone asked what domain extension you currently have or want to purchase, they are referring to your TLD (and vice versa).
Pronunciation of TLDs is fairly intuitive. The .com TLD is pronounced “dot-com”. Other gTLDs, such as .net or .org are pronounced “dot-net” and “dot-org” respectively. ccTLDs on the other hand, tend to get spelled out. .jp is pronounced “dot-jay-pee” for instance. And then there are some that use both methods, such as .co.uk which is pronounced “dot-co-dot-you-kay”.
Now that we’ve discussed the extension, let’s take a look at the rest of the domain name – the SLD (Second Level Domain)…