This section of the Guide assumes that you’ve familiarized yourself with domain names (if you’re just starting, you’ll want to read the introduction to domain names), have purchased one or more, and are now trying to resell your domain name… now what?
Before you get down to the hard work necessary to sell your domain name, you’ll need to place some kind of value on it (even if you are not going to publicize the value you’ve placed on a domain name, it’s important to know what the minimum amount you’d accept for it is.)
There are essentially two main ways to sell a domain name: you can find a buyer yourself, or you can use a company/organization to find a buyer on your behalf.
If you choose a domain name broker (site or service that assists you in finding a buyer for your domain name) that does not demand exclusivity, you can even combine both types of sales strategy i.e. list your domain name for sale with the broker, and at the same time solicit buyers independently.
Always remember that the current domain name resale market is much weaker than it was just a couple of years ago, at the height of the Dot-com bubble.
Back then, if you owned a decent domain name, you could generally sit back and wait for the buyers to come to you. Nowadays, you need to be much more proactive in your approach if you want to successfully sell your domain name(s).
At the same time, never discount the possibility of “walk-in” buyers; in other words, potential buyers coming across your domain name during a search, and inquiring about its availability.
To this end, it’s essential that you keep your Whois record (the record of ownership of your domain name) updated at all times, and free from errors. You just never know who might be trying to contact you!
Read on for more information on selling your domain names.
11/26/2011 at 21:12
It’s true, that it was so hard to sell domain these days. I’ve been trying to sell my unused domain but it was so hard to find the buyer.
I know my domain name is not that good and i hope by sell it in a cheap price there’ll be someone to buy it, but it’s still not sold yet.
02/27/2012 at 12:34
what is your domain name you wish to sell?
12/15/2011 at 02:09
so even if your using yahoowebhosting you can still sell your domain name?.. more info pls
12/22/2011 at 13:47
Thanks for the comment! Yes, you can still sell your domain name despite hosting it with a hosting company.
01/01/2012 at 14:05
I have over 3000 domains for sae including
All towns hotels all great
11/10/2012 at 22:50
hi please send
list of all 3000 and prices please….
01/28/2012 at 18:27
What do you think would be worth?
01/31/2012 at 00:47
Hi Dave! I recommend that you try or one of the domain appraisers that we have in our resource directory here:
03/29/2016 at 17:00
I do hope you didn’t sell that one back in 2012!
10/26/2016 at 20:15
Hopefully the same as! Do you want to buy it
01/31/2012 at 13:03
i want to sell this domain
can i know how to do that
02/06/2012 at 15:12
Hi! You may want to list your domain in the free iGoldrush Domain Showcase:
It’s a great way to get additional exposure for names that you are selling. You can also elect to have your portfolio reviewed by our brokers as well. Let me know if you have any questions!
02/13/2012 at 03:35
Hello, I have a Domain that I want to make, and I think it has a very good ring to it’s name. I have 3 Questions.
1.) I went on and they wanted a monthly fee, if I sold it, how would I get rid of that fee, and is there a way to buy it with no monthly fees?
2.) If I have a good Domain name, can it sell for big money?
3.) Is it smart to go into a Domain selling Business.
(I seen a Domain go for 4,000+ Dollars.)
02/13/2012 at 13:41
Hi Diane- Thanks for posting! I will contact you via email to answer all of your questions. 🙂
04/28/2012 at 07:02
Hi Admin,
I’ve a similar question as Diane. Can you please revert back to me as well with your answers!
07/14/2015 at 18:27
Can you also give me the answers to this?
I’m looking ways to buy domains and sell but don’t know where to start.
Sunisa Chum
02/27/2012 at 12:36
Never mind I should have read the other comments first!
03/15/2012 at 08:38
I have a domain name that another company wants. This other company has the same name as my VERY small consulting business. In fact this company had an attorney send me a letter saying I must transfer ownership of my domain to their company to avoid copyright infringement. I don’t think this is true. Does anyone have any advice?
05/08/2012 at 07:16
Well you could ask them to make you an offer to buy your domain or something.
05/10/2012 at 01:46
Jimmy I have also received legal notice from one company they saying your domain is our trademark and copyright handover your domain with contant otherwise we have to legal from the owner of this domain.
i am not understand why they saying this is against copyright.
05/21/2014 at 21:21
Be careful, this is probably a clever trick to scare you into giving up your domain. About 9 years ago, I fell for this scare tactic.
I ended up transferring the domain to the company.
I regret that decision to this day.
10/05/2012 at 01:39
Hmm.. I’m no lawyer, but I think that as long as you were using the name commercially before the other company was, it doesn’t matter how big or small your firm is. Also, if you are in a different line of business (so that there’s no possible consumer confusion) then you aren’t actually “diluting” or profiting from their trademark, so there’s no infringement. The only stipulation is that you’ll actually have had to be using it for your business, and not just “parking” it. Even one client referral or sale is enough.
Imho, they’re just trying to bluff you into giving it up for nothing. Don’t do it. Don’t name a specific price because they could use that as “evidence” that you’re just speculating or squatting on their trademark. They have to prove the alleged infringement, and in the meantime you can sell it to anyone you like in any case.
If they really want it and they can’t make their case legally, they’ll make you an offer. Simply refuse to give it up until they put forward an offer that’s to your liking.
This actually happened to someone I knew. He just laughed when he received their lawyer’s letter because he was actually a lawyer himself. Eventually they offered him $25K for it and he sold it to them. IMHO, you should stick to your guns!
What say you, iGoldrush???
12/19/2012 at 09:24
I own a domaine name
Ebay is mad and wanted me to give it to them
Yea Right” So if they take me to court to get it I will appeal on the basis of Why has Ebay not tryed to get the Domain names like i hate &%%%%%ebay.comWhy cause they want mine because it is Ausam
Robert One more thing If they send me a official letter Then I will try to sell the letter on EBAY SWEET
04/13/2012 at 15:27
i want to sale domain name
one is
2nd is
04/20/2012 at 05:24
Hi everybody,
I have one domain called and I want to sell it. If anyone is interested, kindly let me know.
04/23/2012 at 15:39
Hi everybody,
maybe someone want to buy my domain
04/26/2012 at 03:27
We want to sell the domain name “”. If any one is interested, please contact us @
04/28/2012 at 12:26
I’m looking for a well mannered buyer for a great domain, named:
It even comes with a great logo.
It can easily fit adult content, as well as all kinds of other stuff. What can I say.
04/29/2012 at 07:35
We would like to sell this website interested people can send an email at
05/05/2012 at 06:12
Domain For Sale
05/05/2012 at 12:47
I just registered with you and it wouldn’t let me login. It says password not valid or something. When I tried to retrieve password it said my email was invalid. What’s going on?
05/10/2012 at 01:37
I want Sell my domains if anybody interested contact my mail id :-
Domains :-
with one year hosting unlimited space and unlimited add domains in domain plan.
05/13/2012 at 16:22
i am selling my domain name if any 1 intrested then please email me
05/15/2012 at 09:03
Generally domain names these do not cost too much, but i have a domain name, website, that attracts a reasonable traffic, and now an organization has approached me to buy it. They could do the same thing i’m doing but i guess a brand has been created, can i charge a premium for what i have done?
05/18/2012 at 11:36
hi. i have a domain name that i just recently purchased called about skateboarding. it also has a site in which the home page is being built right now. i paid a lot of money for this service, but i’m not interested in building the entire stie. i now want to sell the name & the site. How do i go about doing that, & how can i find the value of it?
05/20/2012 at 00:36
I want to sell my domain If any intrested please do contact via email.
Thank you.
05/20/2012 at 14:12
hello is for sale
06/14/2012 at 18:27 Anyone interested?
06/18/2012 at 01:29
Will my domain name give me some return if I want to sell it. My domain is for industrial purpose or it may be use for general purpose.
06/28/2012 at 13:22
Hi Vaseem! In some cases, yes, domain names have been sold for significant profits. I’d recommend checking for a quick appraisal or check out these appraisal companies for a more in depth appraisal:
If you’d like to list your domain for sale, please visit
06/21/2012 at 11:39
For sale – http://www.ThisBudsForYou (all extensions).
06/23/2012 at 06:16
For selling:
07/18/2012 at 11:39
i want to sell my domain name. But i don’t know how much value??
07/18/2012 at 16:20
Determine the value of your domain name:
Or check out the Domain Appraisers category of our Directory for help in valuing your domain:
08/01/2012 at 16:00
Can i sell my domain names through
08/07/2012 at 15:45
Yes, please visit to list your names in our free domain showcase or to submit them for brokerage review!
09/19/2012 at 17:28
The best place to sell a domain is .. they are new, but only charge a 5% end of auction fee.
09/23/2012 at 13:18
I would not advise anyone to get into the domain business right now as the market is just very weak. It is a bad time for the
domain business.
If you have a domain name just develop it,
other wise you will likely end up taking a huge loss.
personally i think it is largely just a
huge money laundering racquet. I learned
the hard way and i hope others can learn
from my experience without taking the
huge monetary losses.
The reason the market is so bad is mostly due to all of the new domian extensions
(.co,.us,.info)etc. It doesnt give me any
pleasure to say this but it appears ICANN
has betrayed the domainers with their
greedy corporate milk the cow until it
dies tactics.
whatever you do dont buy sell trade any domain extension other than .com!!!
It’s a TOTAL trap.
Best of luck to everyone.
10/04/2012 at 00:07
Everybody seems to think that they’ll make a fortune by squatting on keyword based domain names, but in my opinion this type of greedy speculation just kills opportunities for legitimate web business and really annoys consumers.
Now, whenever you search for a popular keyword phrase and click on the associated “dotcom” you’ll likely be redirected to a parked “this domain is for sale” page.
True, in the past you could simply buy up cheap domain names based on popular related keywords and redirect them to your website, but now they’ve become so ridiculously overpriced that it’s much cheaper and more effective to just advertise.
What’s makes it even worse is that most of these overpriced “premium” or “resale” domain names have no actual traffic, and most people will quickly leave the page (never to return!) as soon as they see that it’s simply another useless page full of paid ads anyways.
Only a true fool would pay the prices that some of these fools are asking. It’s no wonder that the market is crashing. Perhaps the greed mongers have finally outsmarted themselves!
11/18/2012 at 10:09
I need to sell my domain name but I don’t know how. Would you help me?
11/22/2012 at 06:03
I don’t think there is money in selling domains names now especially if you are new to the business. Most of the decent domain names (forget about good or elite domain names) have already been booked 🙁
01/31/2013 at 02:34
I have recently started my website. It is around 2 months old. I have started earning around 3$ per day. I spent around $1.5 Per day in its marketing. Can I sell this website? What should be the right price?
02/02/2013 at 15:58
I want to seal the unused trademark free domain names /
04/19/2013 at 09:05
Hello, I bought some domain names to make some money. godaddy appraisal gave me a price between $120-$900 price range. I read that to make money the domain name has to be old with good traffic. I just bought the domain names and want to sell it after 60 days. Will it be a problem? I still have good words in my mind but I am afraid that it may not sell unless it has a website.
please advice me
05/08/2013 at 13:14
Hi Liz, Some domain names are valuable based solely on the name, while others are valuable because of the website and brand built behind the name. If you have a great domain, there’s no need to have a website with it in order to sell as buyers want the name for their own use. It is true that older domains with established traffic are more valuable and will be easier to sell, but it’s no unheard of to sell newer names to end users as well. Check out for a quick appraisal on your names and then read through our guide about selling domain names in the Domain Guide. Thanks!
08/28/2014 at 20:39
By parking your domain for sale, you give it a chance to sell more quickly, do not forget to list it in major domain marketplaces.
If you know the value of your domain name, it is better to list it at a reasonable price
10/16/2014 at 15:13
that should be whois free search- thanks
11/05/2014 at 00:16
I have recently bought this domain for affiliate marketing. But soon have realized that age is a big factor in ranking your site high. Is it a good practice to buy an older domain to get better result?
08/15/2015 at 23:56
I have just started a business of selling domains but trying to find to find good buyer or broker for a long term business.
I don’t want $ xx,xx,xxx but with reasonable price and professional business.
Please help to get good buyer or broker.
08/18/2015 at 13:04
Our brokerage program is currently on hold, but we do offer free listings within the iGoldrush domain showcase. If you’re interested in listing your names, visit
09/07/2015 at 02:06
My question is… what is the process of changing the whois details after i buy a domain? i want my details to show there. how long does it take for my details to show in whois? Thanks.
09/08/2015 at 11:31
In order to change the whois details for your domain, simply log into your registrar account and update your associated contacts. Changes are usually immediate.
11/18/2015 at 12:50
After you put up your website for sale at drop by and list it there for free. Double the exposure and link back to your igoldrush listing. The same goes to anyone that has a website and/or domain regardless of where it is put up for sale. MrL.
04/16/2016 at 23:24
Thank you for such an informative article! It was very helpful and brought clarity!
04/17/2016 at 11:40
I would like an evaluation on this domain please… I also have and would be prepared to sell them both together…
Please let me know if they are saleable or not…
Thank you
05/19/2016 at 14:56
my name is Diana and i wanna sell my Domain.
My domain is considered very good. How can I sell best?
thank you
05/19/2016 at 16:13
Diana- There are many ways to sell your domain name, from marketplaces like Sedo to auctions like eBay. Here are iGoldrush, we offer the Domain Showcase, which is 100% to submit and list your name. All sales offers are forwarded to you as the owner to negotiate. If you’re interested in submitting your domains, please visit You may want to consider having your domain appraised first, if you have already done so.
08/17/2016 at 17:11
I wish to sell my domain but don’t know how or to whom… any suggestions? thank you.
10/25/2016 at 02:55
I want to sell my domain having more than 5000 business registered till date and nice traffic score as well.
02/17/2018 at 15:02
hello there are 600 domain names Thank You